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Tatacoa scorpion advisory

Health and wellbeing

Occasionally scorpions have been known to enter the rooms at posadas to cool off when the temperature in the desert is particularly hot.

Scorpion stings are extremely painful and we urge clients choosing to spend the night in the desert to adhere to the following guidelines.

  • Do not walk barefoot around your room at a posada.
  • Check your shoes & flip flops for scorpions before putting them on.
  • Do not leave clothes on the floor, put them back in your suitcase.
  • Before going to sleep, check walls for scorpions, they are most commonly found there.
  • Take a torch so you can see where you are walking.
  • Check inside folded towels before using them.
  • Check inside bedding and under pillows.
  • Keep your suitcase closed when you are not in your room. Scorpions have been known to climb in.

What to do if a scorpion stings you?

Immediately tell your guide or the posada’s owner. The antidote to a scorpion sting is actually a cold drink made of local herbs which will immediately reduce the pain. A hospital visit is not normally required. Do not be surprised if body parts stung by scorpions exhibit immediate bruising.

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